SOAP Note #1 – Fall ’17
- This SOAP note discusses the work up and treatment of syncope: o_dp_soap_note (1)
- This algorithm can be used to differentiate different types of syncope:
- My reflection of the above SOAP note:
I was glad when I saw I got syncope because I have light-headed spells where I feel extremely weak and feel like I am going to pass out. The last time I felt that way was at the cadaver lab, so this post became even more relevant because the case they presented was about a medical student visiting a cadaver lab for this first time. As I read through the case, I had not known that there were three main types of syncope that could be further subdivided, and that the passing out that I often experience (as well as the patient in the case study) is vasovagal syncope. I appreciated learning that the reflex could potentially be offset by tensing your muscles (hand-grip, arm tensing, and leg crossing) for 2 minutes in order to increase blood pressure. It is medical advice that can be extremely useful and shared.