Rotation 3: Ob/Gyn

The following are links to documents that I have created throughout my first rotation.

The following is a link to a History and Physical I presented during my site evaluation on a patient presenting with a hemoglobin 4.9 and vaginal bleeding: gyn_h&p2

The following is a link to a Cochrane journal article describing the importance of skin-to-skin contact between mother and baby immediately after delivery: Moore_et_al-2016-Cochrane_Database_of_Systematic_Reviews

The following is a link to a report generated via Typhon that lists my hours, diagnoses I saw, and some of the procedures I did: tally3

The following is my site evaluation summary:

I had 1 site evaluation, and it went very well. I presented my cases as well as my article. My site evaluator provided great feedback and asked me pertinent questions.

The following is my reflection of this rotation:

How was the way I did my work different from how other people did theirs?

I worked with 3 other PA students and at least 7 other medical students. I found that I tended to ask more questions, and listen in on conversations between other providers so that I could participate in more activities. For example, if I heard someone was going to receive cervical balloon ripening, I would find a good time to approach the provider who was going to do it and ask if I could follow along.

A lot of the other students prioritized studying whereas I prioritized interacting with patients. For example, on slow days, I was the only student who would go to other specialty gyn clinics around the hospital instead of taking a “study day.”

What one thing would you want the preceptor or other colleagues to notice about your work in this rotation?

I want them to notice that I am very willing to learn. Although I may not know all the details and intricacies of every procedure or management plan, I am very ready and willing to acknowledge that and move forward from it. Just because I don’t know something in one moment, doesn’t reflect a lack of studying but rather it reflects an area I have now recognized that I need to improve.

What do you want to improve on for the following rotations? What is your action plan to accomplish that?

On my next rotation, I want to present more patients and do more histories and physicals completely by myself. Many times on this rotation, I would be told a patient was in the ED and then the resident would be there in less than a few minutes so I wouldn’t have enough time to ask all the questions I wanted to and then wouldn’t get to completely present.

What did you learn about yourself during this 5-week rotation?

I learned that I have an innate desire to have patient interactions. I had this same perspective during my first and second rotations, but the students who were further in their rotations than me would say I was only excited to learn because it was my first rotation and that I would eventually wear out, too. I’ve had 3 very involved and intense rotations so far, and I still have not lost my desire to want to interact with patients.